New Memoryhole story : Reinventing Big Brother[8 June,2003]
A couple of days ago a new story has been added to the Memoryhole.
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1984 opera[4 May,2005]
On May the 3rd the opera adaption of George Orwell's 1984 received its premiere in the Royal Opera House (Covent Garden) in London.
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"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.", George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Reinventing Big Brother A short story examining the proposition that the telescreens in 1984 would be impractical because the govenment would be responsible for their manufacture and maintenance - the assumption being most would be broken most of the time! Maybe not... Orwell offered writer's blacklist to Anti-Soviet propaganda unit An article from 'The London Guardian' suggesting that Orwell was denunciating 'crypto-communists' and 'fellow-travellers' at a Soviet prpaganda unit. Archive Older Memoryhole Articles
The Momoryhole is a small e-zine where George Orwell's thoughts and beliefs, as well as recent political and social developments are discussed
Reinventing Big Brother by John Bromfield ( (Sunday, 1 June,2003)
A short story examining the proposition that the telescreens in 1984 would be impractical because the govenment would be responsible for their manufacture and maintenance - the assumption being most would be broken most of the time! Maybe not... Read more
Orwell offered writer's blacklist to Anti-Soviet propaganda unit by Maros Kollar (Monday, 21 April,2003)
An article from 'The London Guardian' suggesting that Orwell was denunciating 'crypto-communists' and 'fellow-travellers' at a Soviet prpaganda unit. Read more
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