New Memoryhole story : Reinventing Big Brother[8 June,2003]
A couple of days ago a new story has been added to the Memoryhole.
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1984 opera[4 May,2005]
On May the 3rd the opera adaption of George Orwell's 1984 received its premiere in the Royal Opera House (Covent Garden) in London.
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"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.", George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
Before using the 'Discussion Board' and this site for your school assignment you should carefully read this page!
You should really read the books you were told to read at school yourself! Orwell was one of the greatest writers of the 20th century and everybody can learn a lot from his work. His books are fun to read and I'm sure everyone who doesn't read them misses a lot.
Think about what you have read! Most of the questions you have to answer for school are easy when you deliberate on them for a while.
There are many people at the discussion board who will happily answer you some questions, however nobody will make your school assignment for you!
You can find the answers to many questions somewhere on this site. You can use the "Search" field on the top of each page to find them.
If you still have questions you can't answer on your own, you can post them at the 'Homework Help Board'. However, you should put some thought and your own oppinion into these questions, plain questions are rarely answered.
Before posting your questions at the 'Homework Help Board' you should take a look at older posts or the 'Frequently Asked Questions' to see if your question has already been asked and answered before.
Important note
Don't copy from this page without proper quoting. I heard about a couple of students who came into serious trouble because they had copied whole passages from this site and handed them in as their own! I once even heard about a class where half of the pupils handed in the same homework (it was the George Orwell biography from this page). Don't forget: teachers have access to the internet too!
Information for correct quoting can be found at the imprint
Now enjoy Orwell's books (an this page ;-)
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